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Freedom Fridays #002 ✊🏽

Welcome to the second issue of Freedom Fridays!

What an amazing day to be a l i v e!

I want you to take this time to ask yourself one simple question, what are you telling yourself on a daily basis?

The way you treat yourself is a complete reflection of the way you treat others. The way you treat others is a complete reflection of the way others treat you. If you treat others with disrespect, you will receive disrespect. If you treat others with love, you will receive love. If you treat others with kindness, you will receive kindness.

It is all a reflection of what you put out into the world through your actions, words, and thoughts.

Earlier this week I drew a card using my Animal Spirit deck for a general reading.

‘The Rabbit energy is alive when we are scared and we become our own worst enemy. We spin up a dust cloud of fear and then complain to others that we are lost.’

Notice what you think and say, because it shapes your destiny. You are putting it out there into the Universe, therefore, attracting that energy into your life. Whatever you want you’ll get, and whatever you don’t want you’ll get.

One way to bring this energy back into balance is by spending some time with yourself. Just sit in silence and look within.

Don’t be afraid to get vulnerable and look within yourself.

If you missed my recent Live on Light & Love on Facebook, click the on the purple words here. In the Live I talk a little about my story and I mention how it all comes back to what you tell yourself. I also mention a method I have been using for the past 18 days, and how much it has helped me.

I loved sharing this sweet reminder from the Universe on how our thoughts and words shape our present. If you would like to learn some more about the law of attraction, message me on Live Chat. If you have any topic suggestions, share them!

Yvonne (Eve)


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